Monday, November 26, 2012

Subverting Society through Delayed Marriage

A fundamental goal of the "new age" and liberals is destroy the family.

Part of this was the sexual revolution. In previous times sexual urges could be sanctified and made holy in the familial union.

Knowing that the majority population is weak-willed and would not delay gratification of sexual urges - even if they believed it was the right thing to do - the left benefited from the median age of marriage constantly moving higher. Mutually reinforcing was the doubt seeded in regards to the necessity of waiting until marriage. Doubt destroys belief and undermines the foundation of strength. At some point, even the feeling of guilt was tossed aside and there was no reason not to give into sexual urges.

Now we have the results: Sex is no longer viewed as a holy union sanctified towards the creation of family, children, and providing reflection of a higher order in our world. Now it is degraded to a fundamentally unfulfilling act with no higher purpose than to temporarily satisfy urges. It is an act that is no longer coherent to purpose in life. Rationalizing sex as only useful for naturual procreation - we eventually rejected even this purpose! We claimed "good" for our pursuit of pleasure for its own sake and with no higher purpose. 

When it has no higher purpose, there is no rational reason to prefer sex over more intense drugs to satisfy those unending desires. There is no rational reason to not install a machine in the brain which provides the necessary stimuli at the push of a button. The only argument of society against such advances is that it makes for poor workers - but the left can not provide a moral reason not to. No reason linked to a higher purpose in life.

Indeed, reducing sex in such a way also removes any logical reason for marriage. There is no good argument against simply reducing sex to a commodity via prostitution. More profoundly, sex no longer makes sense. It is an incoherent act except where humans are reduced to the status of animal. It degrades us to status below animal - for even nature's material purpose we have subverted. Modern society reduces us all to subhumans.

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