Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Seeking God is Coherence

Secular conservatives support good because of preference and utilitarian benefit. For example, they may not like to steal, may not want to be stolen from, and may realize stealing is harmful to a safe and organized society.

They oppose this to liberalism which supports understanding for and lighter-punishment of those who steal in addition to supporting stealing via redistribution on a national and global scale. Liberals will either not act rationally in this regard, attempt to call the facts prejudice and therefore necessary to ignore, or even not see the necessary benefit a safe and organized society. They will even attack that society as unjust and intrinsically bad.

Without reference to a higher organizing principle and reality, secular conservatives have no way of truly opposing liberals. The ideal of an organized society will be attacked by the left. The secular conservative's preference will be attacked - because many do not accept this preference. The secular conservative has a cultural and genetic predisposition favoring that type of society, but to assert such a society would require homogeneity. Even then, he has no justification outside preference for a certain type of society. There is no universal foundation or principle. Telling a stranger not to steal from you is only asserting your desire directly opposing his. Secular conservatives have no reason for their neighbors not to steal than selfish preference. We are left with nothing but a society built on the fragile structure of clashing wholly-selfish interests constantly opposed.

Societal structure does not originate from such a foundation though. The current state is but the decaying ruin of an older impetus towards a far greater coherence and purpose. The desire for organized society and the purpose of its foundation lies far beyond that of purely materialistic self-interests.

This fundamental desire of western man toward a high-level of societal origination originates in a yearning for something greater, a reflection of the highest ideals demonstrated in earthly existence. That is a reflection specifically of higher spiritual realities that come from above material existence and show us what is eternally true. The highest and best form of society is one where earthly existence is organized from above.

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