Every single day of our lives we exercise faith, without generally be aware of its all-encompassing presence. That is, we live by faith. Everything we do, from eating, driving a vehicle, raising a family is faith-based.
So the question is not fundamentally about faith versus non-faith, it is about where our faith is placed. As a society today, we place our faith in abstract human notions of economy, democracy, equality. Many place faith in their television, that it will soothe their boredom and emptiness. Many place their faith in material consumer comforts, such as that a new car will provide happiness.
An intelligent adult, and hopefully any adult, should quickly become aware that faith in these things does not provide. That is, it is empty. There may be temporary alleviations of states of boredom and unhappiness, but it will always be replaced by more desires, or require greater doses. That is what modern society is and provides us with: junk food. It may look appealing, and it is rather good at tricking kids, but it ends up leaving us slightly ill and nauseated feeling, and a lifetime of it is guaranteed to end in cancer.
Recognizing that we have no choice but to have faith, we can either remain in a foolish adolescent and ignorate state, hoping that the poison will somehow satisfy us, or we can give up and purposely drown our consciousness in always larger sensations, or we can make the rational and adult choice and place our faith in something higher. That is, something transcendent of worldly illusions.
The great religions have all touched on this subject in one way or another. Jesus told us to not "store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal." Objectively, the Egyptian Pyramids were among the greatest material achievements of mankind, and yet there too we see the forces of time and lesser man permitting and promoting decay. Not that the Pyramids primary goals were material, they were not, but the point stands.
So raise your sight and faith to higher realities. Do not allow yourself to be like the savage men, nor the lustful men, but become a transcendent man.